Sunday, February 28, 2010

Five Ways to Speak Like Obama

Five Ways to Speak Like Obama

by Sims Wyeth

., Barack Obama, Public Speaking, Leadership, Presentations, Speech Writing, Speech Giving, Sims Wyeth

Now that we’ve got your attention, you should realize, of course, that you don’t want to speak like Barack Obama. You want to speak like you. Nevertheless, as a student of the art of public speaking, you can — and should — observe Obama’s oratorical skills. The greats all learn from other greats, so don’t hesitate. Study Obama’s repertoire, take what you like, and use what you can to improve your own public speaking.

Obama is a master at grabbing and keeping his audience’s attention, which is the number one goal of any public speaker. How does he do it? Here are five key lessons from Obama’s rhetorical playbook.

1. Talk About the Audience’s Concerns

Notice that when Obama addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time, he told our story before he told his own. He talked about our sleepless nights, for example, and the college admission that might have to be turned down because of a lack of financing.

This was brilliant, and you can do it, too.. Start your talk by broadly defining the situation that your listeners face. Then, once you’ve got them nodding their heads in agreement, move on to describe the problems or challenges that are on their minds. Start where the audience is, not where you are. Once you have their attention, you can lead your listeners wherever you want to take them.

2. Keep It Simple

Throughout the presidential campaign, Obama kept his main message — “change you can believe in” — simple and easy to remember. Sure, some pundits mocked its simplicity, but it served its purpose perfectly as the banner at the front of his parade. You, too, can keep it simple, even if you have mountains of research to report.

First, fine-tune your core message. Fierce debate within Obama’s campaign no doubt accompanied the birth of the slogan “change you can believe in,” and similar prolonged discussion may accompany the discovery of your own core message. But once the decision has been made, don’t let that debate show. Chisel away at your topic until you can reduce your presentation to a core message. Once you achieve this, all your complex ideas can march behind it.

This is as true for business presentations as it is for political campaigns. Granted, your content may be nuanced and detailed, but so were Obama’s policy positions. He used his simple slogan to make us believe he was the politician for change — something so many Americans longed for — and he appealed to us to have faith (to believe) in the change he was offering us. Obama won people through a simple slogan, which then allowed him to more easily serve up his ideas about meaty topics such as health care, terrorism, and the crumbling economy.

We make a serious error if we mistake a complete argument for a persuasive one. All audiences, no matter how sophisticated, have limited attention spans and a limited ability to retain detailed spoken information. Don’t fear that you’re leaving details out; you must be selective. After all, what good is a thorough and detailed argument if it is inaccessible?

3. Anticipate What Your Audience Is Thinking

Obama and his speechwriters are certainly aware of the great line by Goethe, “Every word that is uttered evokes the idea of its opposite.” What this means is that when you express one view, the odds are high that people will reflexively think about other, unmentioned aspects of the topic.

A presentation that does not deal with this “evoking of opposites” loses the audience’s attention because it fails to address the questions and concerns that come up in people’s minds. So anticipate it. Show your audience that you understand the contrary view better than they do, and explain why your proposal or argument is still superior.

Obama did this effectively in his speech on race, in which he attempted to distance himself from the inflammatory Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Obama pointed out, for example, that he won primaries in former Confederate states and that he had built a “powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans.” But he also acknowledged what was undoubtedly on people’s minds when he said, “This is not to say that race has not been an issue in the campaign.” He went on to say that, yes, Reverend Wright’s sermons were controversial, but, no, that’s not why he must be rebuked. He said that, yes, the clips of Reverend Wright on YouTube make him look terrible, but, no, that’s not the full measure of the man.

His speech was powerful and widely praised. It was effective in part because Obama let everyone know that he had thought a lot about race, and in particular about both sides of the controversy surrounding his former pastor.

Attack your topics this way, too, and you will be in charge of the conversation. This approach will not only grab and hold the attention of your listeners, but it will also help you win people into your camp, which is what you need to do if, say, your goal is to persuade your board of directors of the wisdom of a seemingly risky partnership.

4. Learn to Pause

Obama has mastered the art of pausing. Just check out his presidential acceptance speech in Chicago to see this skill at work. He pauses to let us catch up with him. He pauses to let his words resonate. He pauses, in a sense, to let us rest. Pauses also give the impression of composure and thoughtfulness.

Here’s an exercise to help you learn to pause.

  • Mark up your paragraphs / in this manner / into the shortest possible phrases. / First, / whisper it, / breathing / at all the breath marks. / Then, / speak it / in the same way. / Do this / with a different paragraph / every day.

Here’s what the opening paragraph of Obama’s remarks would look like:

  • “If there is anyone out there / who still doubts / that America is a place / where all things are possible, / who still wonders / if the dream of our founders / is alive in our time, / who still questions / the power of our democracy, / tonight / is your answer.”

Where you pause is up to you; there are no hard and fast rules. But try it. Slowly inhale to the count of three at each breath mark. Speak as though you had plenty of time. The goal / of this exercise / is to teach your body / to slow down.

5. Master the Body Language of Leadership

Obama’s body language is relaxed and fluid. It does not display tension or fear. He’s calm and assertive — which is exactly what you need to be to get people to comply with your requests. For the ultimate in Obama smoothness, watch his entrance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

To achieve the body language that’s effective for you, focus on a single attribute — for example, calm — and practice implementing it in the basic motions of your day, from getting dressed in the morning, to leaving your home for work, to greeting your friends and colleagues. Research in the Scientific American suggests that focusing on one word is the most effective way to learn a new behavior. It will probably feel forced at first, but don’t worry. It will soon become natural, and eventually your body language will communicate the right mix of calm and assertiveness.

Finally, you’ll need to rehearse. Practice calmly walking up to the lectern or the front of the room. Arrange your papers calmly. Look out to the audience with a sense of command, with assertiveness. Let the silence hang for a moment, and only then deliver your opening remarks.

Calmness begets a sense of authority. Behave as if you are in control, and you will in fact gain control and command attention.

About the Author

Sims Wyeth is a trainer and consultant in speeches, presentations, and high stakes conversations.

ATTITUDE......change it

A small truth to make our Lifes 100%.......

If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is equal to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Then H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% only

K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% only L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5=54% only

L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11 = 47% (don't most of us think this is most important???

Then what makes 100%

Is it Money? ..... No!!!!!

Leadership? ...... NO!!!!

Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude.

To go to the top, to that 100% what we really need to go further..... a bit more. ........ A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100%

Smaller than Smallest...Greater than Greatest

Discourse :- Mata AmritanandaMayi
Source :- Times of India
Date :- 02-02-2006
Humility and Simplicity are the characteristics of greatness. Think: 'I am nothing'. The coconut feels, "Because of me the dish was tasty". The cook will say,"My skill made it good". The fire would say,"I made the dish well cooked". But all ability is God's. Humility is God's nature. He is the everyone's servant. He is the Universal servant.
See God in everything, accept His will. Then one can only be humble because one whatever happens in life, positive or negative, is His will. All reactions disappear, there is only acceptance.
It is not the ego that should be made but the real 'I'. The mind should be expanded to embrace and accomadate the whole universe within. Children, however much rainwater falls on the mountain top, it will not remain there. It will flow down to the river below. The low lying areas receive water from all sides. Eveything will come running to the place where there is humility.
As soon as you realise you ar small, the ego disappears. We will feel that we have no refuge other than God, and the negative vasanas (tendencies) will fall off by themselves. Only by trying to become smaller than smallest, does one become greater than greatest. By developing the attitude of being everyone's servant. one becomes the master. Even who bows down even to the Shava ( corpse ) becomes Shiva.
If the seed has to sprout, it should go beneath the soil with the attitude, "I am nothing". When the button on the handle is pressed down, the umbrella opens. Similarly we cultivate and develop humility, when our ego made to bow low in the front of the Supreme and His creation, visualising everything as Him, our real nature unfolds. An egoless person cannot die, bcause he is not a body anymore.He is consiousness. Only people who are identified with a body die.
If you stop insisting that others should honour and respect you, honour and respect will come to you unasked. Be humble and patient and see how things around you change. When you stop demanding, others will start honouring you, if you dont want it.
When you are aware of your ignorance you remain with an atttitude of a beginner. Then you listen intently, open and receptive. Once you think that you know, then you do not listen anymore, you only speak. Your mind and intellect become full. The beginner is able to bow down with humilty and because of this, true knowledge flows into him. A person full of mere information becomes egoistic. So he cannot bow down and be humble.
Everybody wants to bcome a leader. No one wants to bacome a servant. In reality the world is badly in need of servants, not leaders. A real servant is a real leader who serves the people without an ego and egocentric desires. Real greatness lies in humility and simplicity. The awakening of the disciple within you brings the Guru to you. Your intense thirst to know the truth gives birth to the disciple within. The lover withing you awakens and the beloved appears. Without the lover there is no beloved; without the disciple there is no Guru. Only love can create miracle.

A Google PC

So, is Google launching a PC of its own?

According to the LA Times they are ... From the article: 'Sources say Google has been in negotiations with Wal-Mart Stores Inc., among other retailers, to sell a Google PC. The machine would run an operating system created by Google, not Microsoft's Windows, which is one reason it would be so cheap -- perhaps as little as a couple of hundred dollars.'"

There's a lot of talk about an alternative to Windows. Having been a Linux user on and off and despite having enjoyed it, I have to admit that there is no credible alternative to Windows. If only because its so easy to get things done on a windows machine. And that's not because Windows is a great software. It's because someone who knows how to get it done is not more than a phone call away. Macs are much (MUCH) nicer ... but they remain far more expensive. Though the move to Intel based machines should help bring Mac costs down some (hopefully).

Which brings us back to the Google PC. Here's why I think it might work. Everybody knows Google. Like everybody knows Microsoft. Brand recall is a powerful thing in the world of technology, especially for newbies. Google has establised itself as being extraordinarily easy to use. It's also established itself as being a lot of fun. That is a pretty potent combination. Especially for someone who doesn't know a lot about computers. And if you throw in the price then we are talking slam dunks and home runs galore all rolled into one. But this isn't why I think it's going to be great.

Let's get into a little bit of speculation. This is also known as la-la land in serious journalism.

It's safe to assume that the Google operating system will be based on what they already have up and running for Google's various offerings. Now the really big deal about this OS is data storage thanks to something called the Google File System (GFS). At the heart of every Google search and all the space that Google gives away at Gmail is the GFS. It supports near instant access to huge amounts of data, spread over diverse geographical locations.

A Google PC could very well be an extension -- a private node -- of this giant Google grid ... You would have access to all of Google's existing services. And some new ones. Like the often talked about but never confirmed Office suite. And the browser, though me thinks they're going to go with Mozilla Firefox, or a version of it.

The big deal about this will be that the computer will have none of the software on it. They will all be like Gmail. You will need to be connected to a Google server.

A lot of people have talked about network PCs -- computers that are whole only when connected to a network. But Google is in a position where this could soon be real.

And that's what could make a Google PC truly revolutionary.