Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vedic Philosophy Secrets

Vedic Philosophy Secrets

3 operating principles

by Sanora Bartels

How many times have you 'stuck it out' and stayed in a dead-end relationship, not quit the job that feels like a hamster wheel, or refused to look for a new apartment even though the management never fixes anything.

Our entire purpose in life is evolution and growth -- the way we move forward is by unleashing our imagination and taking creative action. Every action is then nurtured and maintained for our higher good. Once the purpose is served, the laws of disintegration release us and allow us to step up to the next level of creative action. When we begin to understand that our primary job is creative action, we move with the universal energies and are supported by nature with greater abundance and deeper love.

In Vedic philosophy, there are three states of energy that flow in nature. They are called 'the three gunas.' Rajas -- creation or action, sattwa -- maintenance, and tamas -- disintegration. These three are at work at all times, moving in tandem. As one finishes its cycle, the next moves in to perform the next function.

So, for example, you take an action to create a new relationship -- you are moving in the realm of rajas and are acting as a 'creation operator.' Once you are in the relationship, you must continue to take creative action in order to foster its continued evolution. With each creative action, sattwa is engaged and maintains the result of the action until its natural expiration date. Sattwa is the 'maintenance operator.' As long as you continue to take action, sattwa will maintain the relationship in good standing. If you go out on a date, and then don't call or answer your phone for two weeks, tamas is invited to dissolve any ties. Tamas is the 'destruction operator.'

You never need to worry about sattwa doing its job. If you begin to think "I have him/her now, I just need to maintain it," tamas gladly takes over. Cracks will begin to appear in the relationship. This is inevitable, unless both parties are engaged in creative action (and I don't mean watercolor classes -- I mean by renewing the connection in meaningful ways).

The wonderful news is that with each creative action taken, sattwa has something better to maintain (i.e., your job security, your friendships). But what if you're not thrilled with your job, but don't feel ready to make a change? Should you just lie low and allow sattwa energy to maintain it until you decide to find something better? You could, but know that before long, sattwa will begin to lose interest, and tamas will step in.

Tamas destroys or disintegrates situations and relationships that don't sustain us. The longer we resist the inevitable, the more devastating the final result -- either in the force of the impact or in the realization of how much time has been wasted on unhappiness. Like rajas, tamas is an energy we can lean into. Unlike rajas, tamas shouldn't be deliberately tapped regularly.

Let's go back to that relationship you created. Everyday, you take action to renew the connection, but your partner seems to be in maintenance mode. If, after a discussion in your sweetest sattwa voice, they don't ramp up their rajas, it's a good time to tap into tamas and pull the plug.

Sanora Bartels is an independent teacher of Vedic Meditation working with individuals to sustain balance and achieve success in all areas of life. Her training included a year of study that took her from Los Angeles, California to Rishikesh, India to Flagstaff, Arizona.

Murphy's Technology Laws Murphy's Technology Laws

Murphy's Technology Laws Murphy's Technology Laws

Murphy's Technology Laws Murphy's Technology Law #1:
You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the track.

Murphy's Technology Law #2:
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with

Murphy's Technology Law #3:
Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.

Murphy's Technology Law #4:
If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Murphy's Technology Law #5:
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until
he/she knows absolutely everything about nothing.

Murphy's Technology Law #6:
Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe, and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it, and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Murphy's Technology Law #7:
All great discoveries are made by mistake.

Murphy's Technology Law #8:
Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

Murphy's Technology Law #9:
All's well that ends... period.

Murphy's Technology Law #10:
A meeting is an event at which minutes are kept and hours are lost.

Murphy's Technology Law #11:
The first myth of management is that it exists.

Murphy's Technology Law #12:
A failure will not appear until a unit has passed final inspection.

Murphy's Technology Law #13:
New systems generate new problems.

Murphy's Technology Law #14:
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

Murphy's Technology Law #15:
We don't know one-millionth of one percent about anything.

Murphy's Technology Law #16:
Any given program, when running, is obsolete.